Next Steps
What's Comes Next?
Church is more than just attending and being in a service.
After someone receives Christ as their Saviour, it's the end of the story, it's the start of a new journey. Sparrow Baptist Church follows a program called "Next Steps" to help new believer grow in their in newfound walk in Jesus Christ.
I. Worship
We were created to worship,in doing so we find God, and we find ourselves. We express our worship of Jesus Christ through congregational and special singing of songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. We worship through attentive listening to Bible readings, preaching, and teaching. We express worship through the giving tithes and offerings. We also worship by giving Jesus Christ thanks for who He is and what He has done in our lives. This spirit and purpose permeates everything we do. In this, we strive to practically carry out the First Greatest Commandment of loving the Lord our God with all we are.
(John 4:24, Col. 3:16)
II. Fellowship
We were not meant to exist alone. We were created to be connected. Fellowship speaks to connectedness to Jesus Christ and other Christians. We understand the connectedness, comfort, and camaraderie we crave is supplied by the Holy Spirit as we yield to God and conform to God's Word. We recognize personal confession of sins, receptivity to the Word of God, and a receptive heart and attitude are necessary for this to be accomplished. We primarily find this connectedness through Bible preaching, teaching, serving others, shared worship, bearing another's burdens through genuine compassion and honest, faith-filled prayer, shared meals, and fun activities.
(1 John 1)
III. Discipleship
We were created to grow spiritually, intellectually, relationally, and sacrificially. We strive to be dedicated followers and students of Jesus Christ. This takes place through a willing spirit (corporate and individual), through a healthy Christ-centered culture, and through a Biblical curriculum that is both educational and practical. The curriculum includes weekly worship services, midweek Bible study and prayer, and regular seminar-styled classes which teach through particular Baptist doctrines and Christian disciplines, such as prayer and Bible reading.
(Acts 2:41-47)
IV. Service
We were created to contribute. Each person possesses valuable, powerful gifts that could change others and change your own life, as well. Unfortunately, many of these gifts go undiscovered due to a lack of knowledge or an overabundance of selfishness. Christian maturity is pursued through increasing our personal relationship with Christ, by being practically equipped with Bible knowledge, and sacrificially volunteering our time to serve the church as well as the community. Joy is found in serving Christ and serving others. This is the 2nd greatest commandment. Serving Christ can, and should, be done by any Christian regardless of age or spiritual maturity level.
(Eph. 4:7-16)
V. Evangelism
We are each uniquely crafted to make a difference in this world. No greater difference can be made than to share the life-changing message of Christ. Fear is banished; guilt, shame, and regret are swallowed up in the supernatural cleansing blood of Christ leaving us clean, truly purged. Genuine peace is enjoyed daily. Undeserved love can be our experience. We believe Jesus Christ and the living hope He offers through faith in His finished work alone is the only true hope this world can have. We therefore strive to know Christ personally and to make Him known to our community, to our city, and to the world. We do this by equipping with knowledge, providing corporate evangelism opportunities, and giving to our Faith Promise Missions Giving Program. We practice both personal and corporate evangelism.
(Matthew 28:18-20)